Time and time again, we witness spam, phishing, hacking, and more sophisticated forms of cybercrime ensnaring a Danish company or public service that is not properly equipped or simply caught off guard by the ingenuity of hackers.

V2 Security tackles the topics of cyber and information security that Danish businesses grapple with on a daily basis. It is Denmark's largest fair on IT security, compliance, and privacy, where you can meet professionals who work with these issues every single day.

Experience Øksnehallen with over 5.200 IT professionals, 100 exhibitors, and over 100 seminars. Come for the energy among the audience, the insightful questions, and the corresponding good answers. Come to exchange handshakes, pleasantries, inspiration, and gain new knowledge from the industry's leading experts and researchers.

As a participant, you will be updated on the latest insights from top experts, gain insight into current threat landscapes, and have an opportunity to share your user experiences with some of Denmark's most renowned security brands.


We have more than 30 exhibitors ready to discuss technical solutions and possibilities for you and your company.


On the program site you can read more about the conference program and sign up for selected sessions.


Participation in V2 Security is free, although there is limited seating for keynotes and seminars.