Admin By Request
Ved Stranden 10, 9000 Aalborg
Booth number
Company description
Admin By Request is the powerful, highly compact Privilege Management solution for PC and Mac - simple to deploy, easy to use and is affordable to organisations of all sizes. Founded in Denmark in 2006 by systems administrators, our customers count many of the world’s largest companies, such as Disney, Kawasaki, Mitsubishi, Toyota, Goodyear,, Dolby, Crocs, Deutsche Telekom, ThyssenKrupp, Garmin, Gamestop, Red Cross, Gates Foundation, CBS News and many others.
Booth Activities
Are you crazy about Formula 1? Now you have the opportunity to participate in one of V2 Security's most exhilarating competitions!
We guarantee a price out of the ordinary, and the winner will naturally be announced by one of Formula 1's own Scandinavian stars Kevin Magnussen - and will take place on the Version2 stage on May 2nd at 2pm.
Vi garanterer en præmie ud over det sædvanlige, og vinderen annonceres selvfølgelig af en af Formel 1's helt egne skandinaviske stjernekørere - nemlig Kevin Magnussen - på V2 scenen d. 2. maj kl. 14.00
Furthermore, you have a chance to have your question answered by K-Mag live!
For more info on how to qualify for pole position in the competition, follow along right here...
We guarantee a price out of the ordinary, and the winner will naturally be announced by one of Formula 1's own Scandinavian stars Kevin Magnussen - and will take place on the Version2 stage on May 2nd at 2pm.
Vi garanterer en præmie ud over det sædvanlige, og vinderen annonceres selvfølgelig af en af Formel 1's helt egne skandinaviske stjernekørere - nemlig Kevin Magnussen - på V2 scenen d. 2. maj kl. 14.00
Furthermore, you have a chance to have your question answered by K-Mag live!
For more info on how to qualify for pole position in the competition, follow along right here...
Whitepapers and videos from Admin By Request