IT Services and IT Consulting

Ballerup, Sjælland 41,482 followers

About us

KMD is one of the largest Danish IT companies and develops and provides software and service solutions for the municipal, state and business segments in Denmark as well as selected segments in Scandinavia. The KMD Group has subsidiaries in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Poland. KMD has over 1,500 Danish and international customers from the public and private sectors, of which approximately 800 Are Danish and foreign companies. The KMD Group has an annual turnover of around DKK 4.8 billion and more than 3,000 employees. KMD is a subsidiary of NEC Corporation, a global leader in integration of IT and networking technologies.

IT Services and IT Consulting
Company size
1,001-5,000 employees
Ballerup, Sjælland
Privately Held


Employees at KMD


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    Since our establishment in 1972, KMD has been a central player in supporting democracy in Denmark. Today, June 9, 2024, marks the European Parliament election, and supporting the electoral process is a proud tradition at KMD, carried out by many dedicated employees with extensive knowledge and commitment to the entire election process. From printing the first electoral rolls to implementing advanced election tallying systems, election tasks have been a significant part of our long history. For today's EP election in Denmark, there will be 🗳 4,300,663 voters, of whom 4,292,122 have received voter cards. 🗳 Voters of all ages, from the youngest first-time voters to our oldest voter at 111 years old, who will cast their votes at one of the 🗳 1,337 polling stations throughout the day. Have a great election day! ❌📋

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    At KMD, we believe in creating a workplace where every individual feels valued, respected, and truly appreciated regardless of their background, gender or culture. At KMD, we have a community and initiative called Active Allies, where colleagues working across KMD’s locations collaboratively share knowledge, inspire, and plan activities that makes a difference. "We need people who lead and drive these initiatives, and we do this together in Active Allies with great passion and interest. There are opportunities to learn something new, and at the same time, contribute with ideas and thoughts that can enhance inclusion within our organization,” says Mette Bilde Sørensen, HR Project Manager in KMD. The initiatives led by Active Allies include policies like our inclusive parental leave policy, which promotes equal conditions for all, as well as engaging events and workshops that provide our employees with fresh perspectives and deeper insights. Together, we can make a difference. 💚 #KMDit #Pride #EveryoneAreWelcome

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    🌈 Happy Pride Month from all of us at KMD 🌈 June is a special month where we highlight the importance of diversity, inclusion, and love in all its forms. While we celebrate these values year-round, this month we are especially proud to support the LGBTQ+ community on all our locations. To mark this occasion, we have raised the flag, handed out keyhangers and celebrated with Pride-themed cakes at all our locations to recognize our commitment to creating an inclusive workplace, where everybody feels safe, included, and empowered. Per Johansson, CEO in KMD, raises the rainbow flag and emphasizes the importance of inclusivity: “It’s important to invite, listen to and understand what we have in common and our differences to have a fully inclusive and functional organization.” At KMD, we embrace this message wholeheartedly, recognizing that it's our differences that unite us and make us stronger. 💚 Happy Pride Month to all of our LGBTQ+ colleagues, partners, and clients. #HappyPride #PrideMonth #Diversity #Inclusion #KMDit

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    KMD Energi & Forsyning indgår aftale med førende jysk renovationsvirksomhed til et tocifret millionbeløb KMD vinder stort SKI-udbud og indgår aftale med jysk renovationskæmpe om levering af den standard administrations-, afregnings- og selvbetjeningsløsning KMD Easy Energy til mere end 400.000 borgere for et tocifret millionbeløb. Aftalen omfatter understøttelse af fire jyske kommuner med en option på en kommune yderligere. Kommunerne skal overgå til KMD Easy Energy i slutningen af 2024. Med over 45 års brancheerfaring og stor vækst de seneste år har KMD demonstreret sin evne til at implementere nye forsyningsselskaber effektivt. En erfaring og ekspertise der har været afgørende for kunden. Anders Ritter Bonnerup Vice President, KMD Energy & Utility, ser frem til samarbejdet og udtaler: ”Vi er stolte over muligheden for at kunne deltage som en afgørende partner i digitaliseringen og understøttelsen af den grønne omstilling på renovationsområdet, som i disse år gennemgår store strukturelle forandringer.” I år alene vil KMD Easy Energy understøtte administrationen og afregningen for over 600.000 nye forbrugere, hvilket bringer det samlede antal forbrugere over 1 million. Læs mere om KMD Easy Energy her: #KMDit #EasyEnergy #DenGrønneOmstilling

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    Konferencen The Zone 2024 er netop skudt i gang her på Scandic Falkoner med over 300 deltagere. Dette årlige event er rettet mod brugerne af vores ESDH-platform, KMD WorkZone EIM, og med årets tema, 'Platform Power', stiller vi skarpt på det potentiale, som KMD WorkZone har som en kraftfuld vertikalt anvendelig platform. En platform der kan bruges til meget mere end klassisk ESDH.    "Vi er på en spændende rejse med KMD WorkZone. I dag har jeg præsenteret nye moduler og services, der cementerer KMD WorkZone som en udviklingsplatform til at bygge fagsystemer. Vores mål er at give forretningsbrugere mulighed for selv at bygge fagsystemer, vedligeholde processer og ændre data uden behov for IT eller eksterne konsulenter. Disse innovationer rykker KMD WorkZone op i kategorien Low-Code Application Platform for virksomhedssoftware" udtaler Jakob Brix, Product Manager for KMD WorkZone, som afholder et af årets keynotes.   I år har vi 16 eksterne oplægsholdere og 7 partnerstande der står klar til at snakke med vores kunder om de nyeste teknologier og løsninger og hvordan netop disse er med til at gøre en forskel i samfundet.   "Det er utroligt inspirerende at møde så mange kunder og partnere til The Zone. Det er en fantastisk mulighed for os at forbinde os direkte med vores brugere og samarbejdspartnere, dele viden og inspirere hinanden til at fortsætte med at skabe innovative løsninger, der gør en reel forskel," udtaler Erik Lange, Vice President for KMD WorkZone. Læs mere om KMD WorkZone her:   #TheZone2024 #PlatformPower #KMDWorkZone #KMDit

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    KMD og 3FA intensiverer IT-samarbejdet med fuld implementering af KMD Føniks. En af Danmarks største a-kasser, 3FA, har i mange år driftet og udviklet deres egen brugergrænseflade, som bygger ovenpå KMD's a-kasseløsning. Fremover tager 3FA hele KMD Føniks i brug, som skal understøtte og udvikle den fortsatte gode betjening af a-kassens medlemmer. Det er resultatet af en ny kontrakt, som 3FA og KMD netop har indgået. Denne nye aftale giver a-kassen øget automatisering, effektivitet og brugervenlighed. Samtidig indeholder aftalen et tættere samarbejde om nyudvikling og innovation. Eva Obdrup, forretningsfører i 3FA, udtaler: "Vi er meget glade for, at vi nu intensiverer vores samarbejde med KMD. Skiftet til KMD Føniks indebærer større automatisering og udviklingskapacitet, og frigør tid og ressourcer, så vi kan fokusere på vores medlemmer." Søren Ladefoged, Senior Business Line Director i KMD's afdeling for Arbejdsmarked, udtaler: "Vi er begejstrede for, at 3FA vælger at overgå til den fulde KMD Føniks-løsning. Denne nye aftale bekræfter og understreger vores gode samarbejde og styrker vores fælles udviklingsarbejde, hvor vi drager fordel af 3FA's stærke faglige kompetencer." 3FA overgår til KMD Føniks fra efteråret 2024. Læs mere om KMD Føniks her:

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    We have this year received 695 applications for our Graduate Program 💚 The application process is now finalized and we are incredibly grateful for the overwhelming interest and enthusiasm from all applicants. At KMD, our mission is to nurture and empower the next generation of talented specialists and leaders. Our graduate program is designed to equip you with the skills and experiences needed to excel in the dynamic world of technology and business. It fills us with pride to witness such enthusiasm from talented individuals eager to embark on their careers with us. We have carefully reviewed all applications and look forward to welcoming our new graduates in September who will embark on a journey of accelerated career growth. #KMDit #WelcomeGraduates #Graduates2024

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    On the 17th of May, we celebrate World Telecommunication & Information Society Day. It is an international day established by the United Nations General Assembly. At KMD, we develop IT solutions designed to meet every aspect of the changing digital needs of modern societies and organizations. Our central role in the continuous digitization of Denmark has contributed to the UN recognizing Denmark as having the one of the leading digital public sectors in the world. The main theme of this year’s World Telecommunication & Information Society Day is “Digital Innovation for Sustainable Development”. One of the examples of the product which helps in green transformation and sustainable development through technology and innovation, is KMD Elements. "KMD Elements is a modern cloud-based solution for customer service, settlement, and billing in the energy and utility market, focusing on energy trading, retail, and grid companies. The future energy market needs adaptable technology for legislative changes, diverse products, and new data methods. KMD Elements offers flexible configuration, multiple integrations, data-driven decision support, and a user-friendly interface, exemplifying innovation and technology for sustainable development," said Marcin Moskwa, Development Director, KMD Energy Solutions. You can read more about our KMD Elements solution here:

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    What a privilege to discuss Danish digitalization within a Japanese framework. This week, KMD had the honor of hosting a Japanese delegation, led by the Japanese Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, Mr. Matsumoto Takeaki, at KMD in Ballerup. Accompanied by an entourage of VIPs and experts, including the Ambassador of Japan to Denmark, Mr. Uyama Hideki, they visited KMD to gather inspiration for the digitalization of municipalities in Japan. The Japanese delegation emphasized KMD's pivotal role as a core player in the digitalization of society and highlighted KMD's impact in shaping the digital landscape. In autumn 2023, KMD and NEC joined forces to launch the solution KMD Connect in Japan, and later in the same year, KMD, together with their UK counterparts at NEC Software Solutions, offered KMD WorkZone to multiple clients in the United Kingdom, underscoring KMD's dedication to shaping the digital landscape both domestically and internationally.

    • From left to right: 
Hans Jayatissa, International Digitalization Officer, KMD

Tawara Yasuo, Director General, Goobal Strategy Bureau, MIC

Oshima Amane, CEO, JICT

Matsumoto Takeaki, Japanese Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications

Per Johansson, CEO, KMD

Uyama Hideki, Ambassador of Japan

Takuya Sasaki, Executive Vice President, KMD
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    Need an expert from KMD for the Democratic Festival 2024? 💬 The Democratic Festival, known as Folkemødet in Danish, is just around the corner, and KMD is bringing a lineup of experts ready to ignite a series of engaging discussions on topics ranging from green transformation, digital welfare, cyber security, and AI. Get an overview of our KMD experts below, along with their contact information. During the festival, we are actively engaged in debates and events about subjects that are core to our contribution to society. We look forward to engaging with users, politicians, partners, competitors, and organizations. 💡 See you there?

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